About Nicely

Nicely Is My Privacy Brand

"Nicely" serves as a professional alias for showcasing my finest work, chosen in lieu of my real name to remain discreet online. It represents a brand under which I release my personal projects, signifying a standard of substantial quality.

Information Privilege for Job Recruiters

If you've arrived here via link from my résumé, an access key will have been automatically applied to your session. Your session will now be treated as privileged, you will see these additional things:

  • A personal greeting
  • My personal contact information in the footer
  • My name where it otherwise wouldn't be

Design Philosophies & Values

Clarity Over Cleanliness

While I aim for clean code, clarity is my top priority. If a less tidy approach is clearer and doesn't sacrifice functionality, I prefer it.

Maintaining this alongside the DRY Principle is a delicate act, as I believe it's important to generalize similar code to reusable states. In doing this, it's important you never try to force the fit when identifiying "similar" code, as that can lead to unneccessary abstractions.

User-Centric Design & Attention to Detail

I advocate for providing multiple pathways to achieve the same goal within my designs, understanding that one size does not fit all. This approach acts as a safeguard, recognizing that as humans, our ability to write perfect code is inherently limited.

By offering various methods to interact with an application, it ensures higher accessibility and caters to diverse user needs. This philosophy not only enhances user enjoyment but also compensates for potential shortcomings in design or code.

Consider a modal popup and the various ways any given user may try to close it:

  • Escape Key
  • Clicking Outside the Modal Window
  • Designated Close Button

Rather than assuming one as the best, ensuring that the interface meets different user expectations and habits, enhances overall accessibility and enjoyment.